Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Soal bahasa inggris UKK kelas XI

Text 1
Once up on a time, the Israelites were at war with the philistines. The leader of the philistines was a giant named goliath, who was three meters tall. A spear was long across his shoulders and a heavy sword hung from a belt around his waist. Goliath challenged the Israelites to send a leader to fight with him. “if he can kill me, we shall be your slaves,” he boasted.
“But if I kill him, then you should be our slaves.”
No one except a young shepherd boy dared volunteer to fight goliath. The shepherd boy’s name was David. He was armed with only a sling.
When goliath saw David, he laughed, “what?”are you the only one they can send to fight with me ? why, I will tear you apart and feed you the birds ! “Then he charged at David with his sword. Calmly, David took a stone, put it on his sling and took careful aim at the giant’s eyes.
The stone struck goliath and he fell to the ground. David freed his people from the terror of goliath.

1. What is the writer’s purpose of writing this kind of text? To …..
a. entertain the readers
b. tell a story of giant
c. inform an event in the past
d. tell the terror of the leader of the philistines
e. report the war between the Israelites and philistine

2. What is the type of the text?
a. report
b. narrative
c. description
d. procedure
e. recount

3. Who dared to fight the leader of the philistines?
a. a giant
b. goliath
c. David
d. a have
e. people

4. What did David use to defeat the leader of the philistines?
a. a spear
b. a sward
c. a sling
d. a stone
e. a belt

5. “But if I kill him, then you shall be our slaves.” The word “you” refers to …..
a. David
b. the volunteers
c. the philistines
d. the Israelites
e. a shepperd boy

6. “David took goliath’s sword and slew him with it.” Slew means …..
a. cut
b. tore
c. struck
d. fought
e. killed

text 2
Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but e could not swim. He had an idea. He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss of crocodile, “How many crocodiles are there in the river?” The boss of crocodile answered, “We are twenty here.” “Where are they?” the rabbit asked for the second time. “What is it for?” the boss of crocodile asked.
“All of you are good, nice, gentle and kind, so I want to make a line in order. Later I will know how kind you are,” said the rabbit. Then, the boss of the crocodile called all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the other side of the river. Just then, the rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another; one…two…three….four….until twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodiles because he had crossed the river.

7. The story mainly tells us about ….
a. twenty crocodiles
b. the boss of the crocodile
c. a rabbit and twenty crocodiles
d. a rabbit and the boss of crocodile
e. the boss of the crocodile and all his friends

8. We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit actually wanted ….
a. to cross the river
b. to swim across the river
c. to meet the boss of crocodile
d. to know where the crocodiles are
e. to know the number of crocodiles there

9. “All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind …”(Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is synonymous with ….
a. wild
b. diligent
c. cheerful
d. easygoing
e. honorable

text 3
A fox fell into a well and couldn’t get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along. Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the water was good. “Good”, said the fox “It’s the best water I’ve tasted in all my life. Come down and try it yourself.”
The goat was thirsty so he got into the well. When he had drunk enough, he looked around but there was no way to get out. Then the fox said, “I have a good idea. You stand on your hind legs and put your forelegs against the side of the well. Then I’ll climb on your back, from there. I’ll step on your horns, and I can get out. And when I’m out, I’ll help you out of the well.”
The goat did as he was asked and the fox got on his back and climbed out of the well. Then he coolly walked away. The goat called out loudly after him and reminded him of his promise to help him out. The fox merely turned to him and said; “If you only had thought carefully about getting out, you wouldn’t have jumped into the well.”
The goat felt very sad. He called out loudly. An old man walking nearby heard him and put a plank into the well. The goat got out and thanked the old man.

10. The text tells the story of ….
a. a fox
b. a goat
c. a fox and a goat
d. an old man and the fox
e. the goat and an old man

11. Paragraph 2 mainly tells ….
a. how the fox helped the goat
b. why the fox got into the well
c. how the fox got out of the well
d. the fox’s idea how to get out of the well
e. how both the goat and the fox got out of the well

12. “The goat did as he was asked….” (Paragraph 3)
What does the above sentence mean?
a. The goat drank enough and locked around.
b. The goat came down to the well and drank.
c. The goat called out loudly after the fox got out.
d. The goat waited someone who might help him.
e. The goat stood on his hind legs and put his forelegs against the side of the well.

Text 4
The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.
At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.
One day, after he had  been  trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.
The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.
13. From the text above, we know that the social function of the text is …
a. to persuade
b. to describe
c. to explain
d. to entertain
e. to advertise

14. Why the man got so angry and tried to kill the Parrot?
a. because the parrot could not say even one word
b. because the parrot could say Catano
c. because the parrot hate the man
d. because the parrot could say every word except Catano
e. because the parrot is stupid

15. What is Catano?
a. the name of the Parrot
b. the name of the man
c. the name of the place where the parrot was born
d. the name of the place where the man was born
e. the name of the chicken house

16. The first paragraph of the text above is called …….. part
a. resolution
b. orientation
c. reorientation
d. complication
e. reiteration

17. “Although he tried hard to teach,….” (Paragraph 3). The word he refers to….
a. the man
b. the parrot
c. Catano
d. the Chicken
e. the Chicken house

Text 5
This text is for questions number 6-10!
Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.
First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every student’s desk, this method will help student to get better understanding.
  Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, and then complete the transaction. After that the laptop will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really easy and save time and money.
From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the best result for their study. Buying laptop online is advisable because it will cut the price. This online way is recommended since online shop also provides several laptop types. Students just need to decide which type they really need.
18. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. the laptop will be delivered to the students' houses
b. finding an appropriate laptop is easy
c. there is an online shop which provides comprehensive information
d. the students just need to brows online shop
e. buying laptop in online shop is difficult

19. Which of the following is NOT TRUE based on the text above?
a. students need laptop to reach their progressive development
b. there is an online shop which provides comprehensive information
c. finding an appropriate laptop is difficult
d. buying mobile computer online is recommended
e. students can buy laptop at online shop

20. The word advisable in the last paragraph has the same meaning with …..
a. recommended
b. important
c. cheap
d. difficult
e. easy

21. What is the appropriate title for the text above?
a. students have been in multimedia era
b. students need to have laptop
c. online shop is the best way to buy laptop
d. buying laptop in online shop is not difficult
e. the importance of having laptop

22. What is the genre of the text above?
a. narrative
b. report
c. hortatory exposition
d. analytical exposition
e. descriptive
This text is for questions number 23-24!

23. What is the function of the text ?
a. To inform readers that there was a new outlet opened.
b. To persuade readers that the outlet should be opened.
c. To retell the events of the outlet opening ceremony.
d. To present two points of view about a new outlet.
e. To explain the processes of the outlet opening.

24. How long has the outlet been opening?
a. 2 months     b. 3 months       c. 4 months     d. 5 months    e. 6 months

Text 7
Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatera. He did not grow foods but depended on the jungle to survive. Soon, there was a drought, all the plants and fruit trees in the jungle died

The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to nearby village trying to get some food. At first, the villagers were very happy to help him. However, when he came continually, they refused to give him any more food. They told him to grow his own food.

One day, while the hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food. Just then a boatman stopped by and taking on the hermit, gave him some rice seeds.

Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvest if you work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the rice plants will turn into weeds”.
The old hermit worked hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after a short period of time, the rice was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each harvest, the plants grew back again right away.

When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful rice, they flocked to his rice-field and took home as much rice as they could.

One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the rice that she shouted. “Oh, stop growing, you wretched thing!” As soon as he had said this, the rice plants turned into weeds.
25. What is the type of the text?
a. Narrative
b. descriptive
c. Argument
d. Persuasive
e. Exposition

26. What did the boatman give to the hermit?
a. Fruit tree
b. Some food
c. Rice plants
d. Some weeds
e. Some rice seeds

27. Which statement is true about the hermit?
a. He lived a small town
b. He went to the village to ask for some food
c. He liked to give the villagers fruit and rice
d. He died in the jungle when there was a drought
e. He hated begging through there was nothing to eat

28. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
a. The succession of rice harvest
b. The hermit should clear the land
c. The hermit was successful as a farmer
d. It needed a short of time to harvest the rice
e. The seeds should be shown before the rains came

Text 8
           Two friends were traveling on the same road together when they came face with a bear. One, in great fear, and without a thought of his companion, climbed into a tree and hid. The other, seeing that single handed he was no match for the bear, threw himself on the ground and feigned death, for he had heard that a bear will not touch a dead body.
           The bear approved him, sniffing at his nose and ears, but the man, with great courage, held his breath and kept still, and length the bear, supposing him to be dead, walked slowly ahead.
            When the bear was well out of sight the first traveler came down from his tree and asked what it was that the bear had said to him. “For,” said he, “I observed that he put his mouth very close to your ear.” Why,” he replied the other, “it was no great secret. He only advised me not to keep company with those who, when they get into difficulty, leave their friends in the lurch.

29. What type of writing does this passage belongs to?
a. Descriptive
b. Narrative
c. Explanation
d. Argumentative
e. Discussion

30. What is the orientation of the text above?
a. Two friends were traveling on the same road together when they came face to face with a bear
b. One in great fear, and without a thought of his companion, climbed intro a tree and hid
c. When the bear was well out of sight the first traveler came down from his tree and asked whet is was that the bear had said to him
d. “For,” he said, I observed that he put his mouth very close to you ear
e. “Why,” he replied the other, “it was no great secret.”

31. Which of these phrases has similar meaning with this phrase;
“When the bear was well out of sight …”
a. The bear had lost his eyesight.
b. The bear had left the site.
c. The bear watched them from a far.
d. The traveler got blind.
e. The traveler got into difficulty

32. The word him in paragraph 2 line 3 refers to?
a. The bear
b. The firs traveler
c. The second traveler
d. Both traveler
e. The man

33. What is the moral for this story?
a. Pretend to be dead when you come face to face with a bear.
b. A real friend will never leave his friends even in difficult times.
c. A real friend will leave his friends in difficult times.
d. Always bring a company when you’re traveling away.
e. Don’t mess up with a bear.
Text 9

I personally believe that libraries are among humanity’s most important institutions for several reasons.
Firstly, most of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly, libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify or group the materials into logical and easily available divisions.
Furthermore, libraries make the materials available to everyone and even provide librarians to help us find what we need.
Finally, libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.
From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are important institutions for humanity.
34. Libraries are among humanity’s most important institutions for . . .  reasons.
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
e. five

35. Libraries also classify or group the materials into logical and easily available divisions . . . readers can find the materials easily.
a. it
b. because
c. after
d. however
e. therefore

36. “Libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.”
This means that we . . . to the past and the future by libraries.
a. is linked
b. was linked
c. were linked
d. are linked
e. am linked

37. What do you call the text above?
a. Analytical exposition
b. Hortatory exposition
c. Discussion
d. Explanation
e. Review

38. The organization of the text 5 is . . .
a. thesis - arguments - reiteration
b. thesis - arguments - recommendation
c. general statement – a sequence of explanations - closing
d. identification - description
e. general classification - description

39. “From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are important institutions for humanity.”
The last paragraph of the text is called the . . .
a. orientation
b. re-orientation
c. thesis
d. arguments
e. reiteration

Mother’s Day

Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis were the best known pioneers who took up the cause of Mother’s Day in the United States. Julia Ward Howe’s “Mother’s Day” in 1872 was a call for disarmament by women. Anna Jarvis, in 1907, organized a day to raise awareness of poor health condition in her community, a cause she believed would be best advocated by mothers. She called it “Mother’s Work Day.” In 1914, US President, Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Declaration. He declared the second Sunday of May as Mother’s Day, the day to honor motherhood. Today, however, some may think that the commercial community purposely created Mother’s Day to make some extra money.
Nowadays, this auspicious day has literally become commercial affair. Many people spend their time buying material gifts for their mothers. In order to sell more products, many restaurants, gift shops, cake shops and florists usually give special offers on Mother’s Day. Consequently, their cash registers keep ringing non stop. Obviously, Mother’s Day has become a major profit makes for businesses.
It is important to remember that the reason behind celebrating Mother’s Day is to say thanks to the most important person in our life – our mother. It is the day to tell her how much we love her and how special she is for us.
Therefore, instead of merely giving material gifts, giving our mother what she needs and really wants is more precious. Showing off our love by spending more time with her, for example, will certainly give us nothing but heartfelt thanks and real gratitude from our mother.

40. Some people thought Mother’s Day was . . . .
a. purposely created just to make money
b. created to honor the mother
c. created to make the mother happy
d. created to respect the mother
e. created to pay tribute to mother

41. Who was the creator of Mother’s Day?
a. Anna Jarvis d. Mary Thompson
b. President Woodrow Wilson e. Joan of Arc
c. Julia Ward Howe

42. What did Julia Ward Howe do in the 19th century?
a. She worked for the NGO.
b. She worked in a military service.
c. She called for disarmament by women.
d. She raised awareness of poor health conditions in her community.
e. She became a charity worker.

43. When did the Mother’s Day become officially recognized?
a. In 1758 d. In 19th Century
b. In 1924 e. In 1914
c. In 1800

44. According to the text, when the Mother’s Days celebrated?
a. On the 1st week of June d. On the 2nd week of April
b. On the 2nd week of May e. On the 1st week of December
c. On the 3rd week of May

45. What does Mother’s Day bring to the commercial community?
a. It brings havoc to the commercial community
b. It brings problems to the commercial community
c. It brings adversities to the commercial community
d. It brings disasters to the commercial community
e. It brings immense business to the commercial community

46. Who will get benefits from Mother’s Day?
a. The children
b. The hawkers
c. The taxi drivers
d. Restaurants owners, gift shops owners, cake shops owners and florists owners
e. The beggars

Text 11

A Lion and a Mouse
A lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him when the mouse piteously entered, saying, “If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.”
The lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the lion was caught by hunters, who bound with him with strops to the ground. The mouse, recognizing his roar, came, gnawed the rope with his teeth, and set him free, exclaiming, “You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor; now you know that it is possible for even a mouse to confer on a big lion.”
(Source: Encarta)
47. The text above is a ….
a. recount text
b. procedure
c. narrative
d. hortatory exposition
e. analytical exposition

48. The characters in the text above are ….
a. the lion and the hunter
b. the mouse and the hunter
c. the lion and the mouse
d. the lion and the farmer
e. the mouse and the farmer

49. The orientation of the text above is stated in ….
a. 1st paragraph
b. 2nd paragraph
c. 1st sentence
d. 2nd sentence
e. last sentence

50. The reorientation of the text is ….
a. the lion ate the mouse
b. the mouse helped the lion
c. the hunter killed the tiger
d. the lion helped the mouse
e. the hunter helped the lion

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